Made by Masdul's profile

One Million Trees Movement, Borneo Poster Challenge

Gerakan Satu Juta Pohon - Borneo Poster Challenge

Tiga tokoh di bagian paling bawah yang sedang menggali tanah, menanam pohon, dan menyiramnya; menggambarkan semangat generasi muda Indonesia untuk melestarikan alam dengan membiasakan budaya menanam pohon sejak dini. Hewan-hewan endemik Pulau Kalimantan turut menghiasi poster ini diantaranya; beruang madu, bekantan, burung enggang/rangkong, dan orang utan yang masing-masing mengekspresikan kebahagiaan. Dedaunan digambarkan membentuk siluet atap rumah adat yang melambangkan bahwa pepohonan rindang (hutan) merupakan tempat tinggal dari hewan-hewan yang ada di alam Kalimantan. Hutan adalah rumah bagi mereka, maka selain melestarikan pohon kita juga turut menjaga kelestarian fauna endemik Pulau Kalimantan itu sendiri.
"Gerakan Satu Juta Pohon, Satu Pohon Sejuta Harapan".

Dibuat dengan: Infinite Painter Android Version
Waktu Pengerjaan: ±7 jam

One Million Trees Movement - Borneo Poster Challenge

Three figures at the bottom of the poster are depicted engaged in digging the soil, planting a tree, and watering it. This imagery symbolizes the youthful spirit of Indonesia in preserving nature by instilling the culture of tree planting from an early age. Endemic animals from the island of Kalimantan adorn the poster, including the sun bear, proboscis monkey, hornbill, and orangutan. Each of these creatures expresses joy and happiness. The foliage forms the silhouette of a traditional indigenous house roof, signifying that lush forests are the habitat of the island's native wildlife. The forest is their home, and in addition to conserving trees, we also contribute to the preservation of Kalimantan's endemic fauna. "The One Million Trees Movement, One Tree, a Million Hopes"

This illustration/poster was created using the Infinite Painter application on an Android device and took 7 hours to complete.
One Million Trees Movement, Borneo Poster Challenge

One Million Trees Movement, Borneo Poster Challenge
